Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Group Char Designs for Friday

As per DQ's email he just sent out... he wants a rough char design for each character in our story on the server for Friday's class. ONE design of each character, per group.

We just need to choose one - which I think we already did...

Here's what we need:

1 - Ox, 3/4 front and back [Brock's design?]
2 - one/couple peasants, 3/4 front and back [Kamal/Andy's design?]
3 - priest/preacher 3/4 front and back [Do we only have a design from Andy? We could use that...]
4 - character line-up for size relationship - similar to what Mark had

I think that's it....

Can we have this handed in for Friday? I think we almost have this, do we just need the back views?

See y'all at the fair!

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