Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pitch Package Assignments

I am gonna put up the template right away.... but I realized I need to make one for each page since you guys can't edit the text. [It's a mac font.] You guys will compile the pitch package section you are working on.... upload to the blog as you go!

Here are the sections/assignments:

Story Beats - Jason, Mark
Protagonist [Ox] - Kamal... everyone's designs 'til now
Antagonist [Emporer] - Brock, Andy, Alex [maybe you guys can help with the Ox stuff too... you sort of already did]
Environments/Layouts - Rach, Becka, Gus
Secondary Char/Props - Angie, Stace, Kelly [if everyone could do a peasant sketch and upload it as well....]
Research - please upload whatever research photos/drawings of what you used to directly influence your sketch [NOTE to also source it - author/artist]

If you have other stuff outside of your section, upload it and make sure to say where to include it.

Thanks everyone!!

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