Saturday, October 20, 2007

Our Next Meeting...

Holla Penguins!

Just to review.... during our meeting on Friday we decided to go with the style from Pigs is Pigs.... Maurice Noble-ish.... [refer to posts below!] - simple, graphic-y, but not too flat.

Our next meeting is gonna be this Wednesday Oct 24, at 2 PM at the studio. Please bring a design for the ox, a layout [of field or temple or building of sorts] and a couple peasant-ish people. If you want to combine them to one drawing, feel free... and if ya can, play around with some colour schemes as well. ALSO - git ready, Brock's gonna run-through how to do some simple but fancy shmancy effects in Flash. Woohoo!

We will vote on a design at the meeting and move forward with the rest of the Fun Pack, yay, fun! :)

We will also decide on how we will go about the thumbnailing, as we have to present that next Story class. I think we decided to use the template I already made up, so we're all using the same size for the thumbnails. Here's the post if ya forgot:

**Also if you guys could bring the $3.50 for the cost of the pitch package on Wednesday? That would be awesome. So far I have collected from 4 of you penguins. Thanks much!

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