Hey Guys,
I will post who is doing what for the design pack this weekend and then I will scan the sketches that we should be working from. I have moved a couple things around so it's spread evenly between the 7 of us. If you have any questions, please comment or post. [If I forgot anything, let me know!]
And please post your stuff
as you do it so I can add it to the templates. Thanks!!
[**Also note the post below that
our meeting on Monday has been rescheduled!]
Alex:> Andy's rough priest 3-see scan - [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> Andy's secondary char 6 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> Ambrosia bottle [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> crops/food [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> party hats [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
Angie:> Mouse/rat [2 dance poses, 1 pose with champagne glass, 3/4 front & 3/4 back]
> Andy's secondary char 4 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> ceremonial drums [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> wagon [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> drinking glasses [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> beer stein [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
Kamal:> Andy's monkey [2 dance poses, 1 pose with champagne glass, 3/4 front & 3/4 back]
> Stacey's secondary char 7 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> jewel [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> barrel [a couple angles of prop, the prop with a rough char - even just a hand or whatever]
> lightning - fx [what it will look like, design it]
Andy:> Pig [2 dance poses, 1 pose with champagne glass, 3/4 front & 3/4 back]
> Andy's secondary char 5 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> village layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
> dead fields layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
> lush fields layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
Rach:> Andy's secondary char 1 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> altar layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
> land lush w/crops layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
> any other layouts you have Rach that you did from the storyboard, post them and I will add them to the template!
Lucia:> Duck [2 dance poses, 1 pose with champagne glass, 3/4 front & 3/4 back]
> Andy's secondary char 2 - see scan [clean up, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> Rach's secondary char baby - see scan [clean up in Andy's style, 3/4 front & back, 2 poses]
> flames/fire in torches [fx]
> splash [fx]
> clouds [fx]
> glow on Ox [that might just be a simple Photoshop filter, we should experiment designing something for that]
> clean up Ox's expressions
> revise Emporer, clean up, turnaround
> Emporer expressions
> Emporer gesture poses
> organize design pack/put stuff on templates
> design pack index page
> revise heavenly kingdom layout [clean layout on its own, plus one with a char in it]
> star shapes/shooting stars [fx]